Kamis, 06 November 2008


Well, it's a classic debate, which came first? chicken or egg?

some said chicken came first, like Bill nye the Science guy

I saw this on Bill Nye the Science Guy (great show ^^). Basically, in the beginning, before life, there was just a bunch of primordial fluid on Earth, as well as land and whatnot. Then something happened: maybe it was a lightning strike or a volcanic eruption or a meteor impact, but it started the reaction that led to the creation of bacteria -> cells -> organisms -> chickens.

As such, a non-living entity fertilized the earth, and from it sprang life. In other words, bacteria was begot by what was not bacteria. In other words, it is the opposite of what Aristotle claimed (as a general rule, everything Aristotle every said is bound to be wrong).

some said egg came first, like me

Well, here is my point of view:

We have to assume that the chicken is the chicken we have TODAY, not a far related bird or something, the question is "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" so they are clearly defining the chicken is a chicken, which is the chicken we have today.

It's well known that mutations take place in the starting phase of life (in other words, for chickens: in the egg).

Chickens were not chickens a few million years ago, they were just the ancestors of the chicken.
I could make this more clear with a small "drawing" :

Ancestor -> egg (mutation) -> more chicken-like ancestor -> egg (mutation) -> even more chicken-like ancestor -> egg (mutation) -> chicken (this is on a very very large scale though, with much much more steps involved)

So at one point, enough mutation took place inside the egg to produce a chicken, which means you have just proven which came first: the egg. because INSIDE the egg a chicken was being made.

well, u can pick one, just comment, pick one and why

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